Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sausage making at ABC's Nightline

In the building business the construction process is a little like making sausage- a little messy, not pretty, sometimes even noisy- but the end result is a beautiful, (hopefully!), work of art- someone's idea of beauty form and function.
Last weekend I was at a convention in Valley Forge, Pa. and got to watch news being made. I saw the sausage making process as ABC's Chris Bury and his producer and camera crew interviewed researchers, filmmakers, FBI whistleblowers, and a housewife who attended a symposium on the tragedy we call simply "911". Their piece of work is here:
http://www.youtube.com/user/betsymetz#p/a/f/2/JqQHHYaBsGg If you take the time to view it you will see that this is, like the finished house, neat, tidy, shiny, polished, fresh and serene and pretty,too.
Also, as a "news" piece, it carefully makes the point that if you think 911 was an inside job, you are clearly out of step with the rest of us! Such outrageous ideas!
Well, it so happens the sausage making was recorded as well, and there is quite a different view one might have after watching most of the building materials left out of this so-called "news" finished product. This is in two parts:
and the second part:
http://www.youtube.com/user/betsymetz#p/a/f/1/Rmg8kGFM-Mg If you have taken the time to watch all this, you will realize that two young mens' attempts to find out what happened on 911- Kory Rowe an Iraqi war vet and Dylan Avery a film director, both 26, have been succinctly reduced to sound bites. Dylan and Kory, the Director and Producer of the films "Loose Change" and "American Coup", http://www.loosechange911.com/ even predicted that ABC would do just that. And, as you can see, they did- linking these two serious young men seeking truth with someone who apparently was deranged- the Pentagon shooter, as John Patrick Bedell has come to be known.
Since I was there, youtube camera in hand, http://www.youtube.com/user/dlnnc I also filmed some of these ABC sausage making exercises- with FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley and Journalist Sander Hicks. ABC reduced their serious ideas and questions to vapid soundbites. Such is the state of American mass media. Looks good, sounds good, but hollow as a Hollywood set.