Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Malcolm Perry, the surgeon who tried to save JFK
The link above is to an article by Doug Horne, a member of the Assassinations Records Review Board set up By George H. Bush and Bill Clinton to study and release as much of the documetation and information about the assassination in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy as they could. Millions of pages were released.

Malcolm Perry recently passed away at age 80. For many years he maintained the Warren Commission was correct in alleging Oswald killed Kennedy, despite his comments and answers to questions within an hour of Kennedy's death in Nov. 1963 that the shot to Kennedy's throat, through which Dr. Perry had performed a careful tracheostomy in an attempt to help Kennedy breathe, was an entrance wound. Secret Service and FBI personnel have admitted in recent years to putting a lot of pressure on him to accept the official story that the wound was an exit wound.

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